copyright: Michael Gareis, TU Berlin - Olena /
2023-06-26 event information

Call for Papers

Submission date for abstracts extended to November 19, 2023!

Important Dates


19 November 2023  

Submission date for abstracts extended! 

NEW!!! 21 December 2023 

Notification of acceptance 

1 May 2024

Submission of papers

Call for Papers - Information for Authors

Experts from industry and research institutes wishing to present results of their recent research are cordially invited to submit a paper. Accepted papers will be presented in either oral or poster sessions. Authors are requested to specify the preferred kind of presentation, oral (20 min. incl. discussion) or poster. Please submit a PDF formatted abstract in English with a length of two pages (400 – 600 words) including figures, tables & references showing summary, motivation, approach and results. The paper should be headed by title, authors‘ names and affiliations.

Please register your paper using the EDAS online registration. If you have already a personal account, please login with your username and password. Otherwise first create a new account, and then register your paper.

Paper Review

The Technical Program Committee will review the abstracts and decide upon the acceptance. After acceptance, the authors are asked to submit the full paper with a length of 2 pages, up to 4 pages for publication.
The proceedings will be published by VDE Verlag GmbH; all presented papers will in addition be available on IEEE Xplore®. By submitting your full paper we assume that you have accepted the copyright-statement:

Submission guidelines

Paper formatting guideline: It is recommended to use the VDE templates (see download) for preparing the manuscript.

Paper submission procedure using EDAS
Logging in to EDAS

  • Using EDAS requires logging in first. If you already have an account, enter your email address (or your numeric EDAS ID#) and password in the fields on the form on the EDAS home page.
  • If you do not know whether you have an account on this EDAS system, try entering your email address or name. EDAS will check for your account and let you know whether it knows about you.
  • If you have an account but have forgotten your password, leave the password field blank, and EDAS will mail your password to you.
  • If you do not yet have an account on the EDAS system, click on the link there to "create your new user account". Fill in the resulting form and then click on the "New User" button there. Mandatory fields are listed in red; optional fields are listed in black. The password for accessing the EDAS system will be sent to you via email. Once you receive your password, you should return to EDAS and log in.

Registering your Paper

  • After logging in to EDAS, you should see the web form for registering your paper submission. Fill in the form:
  • Enter the name of the first author, then later on you will have to add all the co-authors.
  • Enter each author using either their EDAS identifier or their last name. Each author must be registered in EDAS; if an author is not yet registered in EDAS, you will be prompted for the information to register them. You must also select one of the authors to be the correspondence author.
  • Enter the title and abstract of the paper.
  • Select the topic from the list of paper topics that best classify your paper.
  • Once you have filled in all information for your paper, click on the "Submit" button at the bottom of that page. This will show you a page that acknowledges your paper's registration.

Uploading your Paper

  • After registering your paper submission, you must upload your actual paper.
  • To upload your paper right after registering your submission, simply follow EDAS instructions on the acknowledgement page.

Revising your Paper or Account

  • After you have submitted your paper, you can revise your submission at any time before the draft paper submission deadline. The system is then closed for review and re-opened for final paper submission after sending out the authors notification. Please note that both, conference registration and any changes to or about your manuscript must be submitted before the final paper submission deadline. The system is then closed for preparing the manuscripts for publication. Please note that no changes to or about your manuscript can be accepted anymore once the preparation of manuscripts for publication has started.
  • To revise your submission, go to your Actuator 2024 EDAS homepage. Just upload a new PostScript or PDF version the same way you did already for the previous version. Please do not instead register and submit the new version as if it were a separate new paper, since this will duplicate the paper registration records.
EDAS Paper Submission Link